Saturday, November 28, 2009


Attention-As you may have noticed, the name of this blog has changed from 'the Musings of Evie Walcott' to 'Flamingo Coat'. Flamingo coat is another of my creations, and I thought I'd give it a run for a while. While I do love Evie Walcott, I sat her down and explained that I thought we needed a break, to try other names and see how we feel, I think she took it well. There were a few tears, but on the whole, she didn't smash up to many of my personal possessions. 
SO! That means Evies just taking a break, and Flamingo Coat will have its turn as reigning blog name. 
the end :D
I find this highly amusing. Like a child version of bijork. 

Its not easy being cheesy.

I'm the captain of the paper seas. 

Life is a merry afair for an unemployed, out of school 18 year old. My days are full to bursting with relaxation and comfort. For example:
10 am- Awaken to alarm. Press snooze button.
10.05- snooze button.
10.10- snooze button
10.15- snooze button
(this continues for another 2 hours)
12.15 pm- after a delightful sleep, slightly interrupted by the occasional alarm, which eventually gets turned off and ignored, I rise to the afternoon, mozy on down stairs, have some raison toast, drink some juice. 
12.45- meander up stairs, potter around my room pretending to clean while really just moving things about to give the illusion of change. 
1.00- have a shower, while playing a Doors CD fairly loudly.
1.30-  Play some playstation, get frustrated, curse under my breath at how hard games are and then laugh at the game calling it names and yelling at it 'IN YOUR FACE!' when I beat the certain level I was trying to overcome. For some reason, in my aggravated state of mind, I seem to think teasing the game and yelling at it would have some sort of affect on it, as if by me saying "WHAT! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? I JUST ATTACKED THAT BEAST WITH A LEVEL 3 BLADE! HOW IS IT NOT DEAD?!" or "I SAID JUMP LEFT! LEFT! IF I WANTED TO JUMP RIGHT I WOULD HAVE INDICATED RIGHT WITH THE GEAR STICK YOU MONG!", that the games going to go:
"hmm...yeah your right, that beast should have been slain like a cake at Fat Alberts house, I'll give you that. Err.. why dont I give you some extra health points and tell you where the location of the hidden chests are and we'll forget this unpleasantness ever happened..I, I think we could all go home happy then. And stop with the name calling, alright, its hard enough being a game no mortal being can defeat, I dont need to be insulted on top of that."
4.00- get my snackage on. Usually a bun loaded with ham, lettuce, cheese, red onion and tomato sauce.
4.30- Watch some DVDs, my collection has become my new best friend.
7.oo-11.30pm- Lurk the internet and facebook, chatting to people and making unnecessary 'likes' on random things, as well as pretending to not be online when someone I dont wish to speak to pops up on the instant messenger. Now everyone knows my secret..
11.30-2.30am- lay in bed/fall asleep watching movies while my television is on timer.
And then the cycle starts again. 
Its the circle of life. And it moves us all. 
So, reading over my schedule, there may or may not be a few flaws some of my more cluey readers may have picked up on. Their not major problems, but they could probably be smoothed out. Such as sleeping in until noon. Playing video games and watching movies all day. Staying up late on facebook even though no ones ever on at 2am. And staying up so late. Even as I type this its 2.07am.
The solution, as my parents and boyfriend have so KINDLY pointed out to me in every possible way, is to get a JOB. ( I seriously expect them to start bringing out flow charts and graphs to show me how much a job would benefit me) 
So, I guess I'm left with this option. It'll have detrimental effects on my routine which I've so easily fell into,  but on the plus side, I'll have my own MOOLAH to buy things such as a new skirt and season 4 of The Office. 
When you weigh my options, you've got:
A) a moocher life style most likely to continue until the age of 23 when my parents finally get sick of telling me to get a job and cut my hair 'you hippie'.
B) working for the man, earning much needed cash and meeting new people, learning new skills and getting me out of the house and teaching me responsibilities that I'll carry through my entire life.

This really is a no brainer.
I'm going with A. Lock it in Eddie.
:D I'm joking. But I had you for a second. I had you thinking "But Brooke, are you really that silly and reckless? Do you want to spend your early 20's living with your parents and earning the nickname 'herpes' because you never go away?"

So, a resume is in the cards, as is pounding the pavement and getting my game face on for potential interviews. 
I did have a job once. I made a living taking the raisons out the the Queens raison bread every morning. It was hard work but someone's gotta do it. I got fired though when the queen bit into her toast once and found a raison.. she was allergic to them see, but still ate the raison bread because she wanted to live life on the edge. They had to put up a railing around the edge though for a while because her neck and face swelled up so much from the reaction that any slight shift of weight on either side could have tipped her right over the edge and toppling into the abyss.  Personally, I think she would have been better off with parachuting if she wanted to live life on the edge. She could have jumped out of a plane and parachuted down waving to the crowd and landed in her horse drawn carriage while in one of her parades. 
But on a serious note, I really am going to look for a job. So the next time you see me, I should hopefully be blue collar, rather then stained with sauce collar. 

On a side note, I'm totally SMIT with my boyfriend/ best friend Jarrod :D He drives down to Newcastle every weekend just to see me. If the oil companies want someone to thank for making them so rich, I think it should be a personally addressed letter of thanks to Jarrod. He's probably also one of the main causes of global warming with all the driving he does... so its kind of a delightful disaster, a like eating a really rich chocolate cake knowing full well what its going to do to your thighs.  
Jarrod: The camera loves you BABY.

kodak momento.

So thats all folks. For now at least.
Until next time
Too ra 
later gator
Don't forget your toilet paper

Monday, November 9, 2009

Oh yeah? Come here a minute!

*Current annoyances of the week*
RIGHT! So, I've got some complaining to do. I've got a beef with 2 things in life this week, people who mumble or forget things when they serve you in shops, and people who scab food and drink off you when ever you order it.
Lets talk about the former first.
SO! Beef number one is with people serving me in shops. I was in M.C. Donalds the other day, and the chick who served was an utter nonce. The whole time she was taking my order she was looking at me with an expression on her face that would be deemed appropriate in the event of me having a booger hanging out of my nose or food in my teeth. But there wasnt, so I dont know what she was staring at. I didnt come to McDonalds to get stared at, I just want my burger woman! Then! She was meant to give me $40 change, but she only handed me 2o, so I said "excuse me,but you owe me 40, you only handed me 20". She then turned around and looked at me as if this time I'd just informed her that a pack of wild dogs were waiting for her outside, just biding their time until she has to go out there to walk home, at which time they would proceed to chase and terrify her. Again, I didnt come to get stared at, I just want my $20 woman!
THEN! She told me there would be a wait on the meat, so I stepped to the side to await my delicious but deadly meal. 5 people were then served, all ordering burgers, and all getting them at top speed, while I was standing there watching these people skip off happily with their meals while I'm still waiting for mine for some reason. Either this burger is being cooked by the food master George Foreman himself, and he's taking his time knocking out the fat just for me, or this maccas employee just has something against me. Finally she comes over, hands me my bag and goes to walk away when I sigh in exasperation, look at her and say rather sternly, "theres meant to be a drink with the meal", does she honestly expect me to clog my arteries without having a cool, refreshing, syrup and water mixed coke to quench my thirst after? NOT LIKELY!  I didnt come here to die of thirst, I just want my drink woman!
After all that, I then scampered off to the car and sat there stroking my meal like Gollum while repeating "my precious" in a gravely, smokers voice. 
Another beef I have with people serving me is when they mumble to you. I was buying some alcohol the other day, and as soon as I put the bottles on the counter, the guy looked at me and said something, and it took me a while to figure out he was saying something because from where I was standing, it just sounded like he was humming along to the radio, so I'm standing there waiting for him to tell me how much I owe him, and he's just looking at me while "humming" every few seconds. After I while I cottoned on and said "Pardon me?", to which he replied in a hum, this time a little more audible, in which I thought I heard him say "cheques Friday". Cheques Friday? What on earth does that mean? That I have to pay by using a cheque? 
But I dont have any...and its not Friday for one..So I said again "pardon me?" and he AGAIN said cheques Friday. This dude was either swigging samples of the alcohol he was selling in the shop, or he wasnt an employee at all, he was a robber who'd knocked out the real shop attendant, taken his shirt and was now impersonating him in order to get more money. Turns out he was neither, after thinking very hard about what on earth he was talking about, I realised he was saying "Can I check for some ID?" but because he was mumbling, it sounded like he was saying 'cheques Friday'. So, the whole ordeal ended up taking at least 3 minutes when it would usually take no less then 30 seconds to swipe the alcohol, pay and then leave.
How hard is it for people to open their mouths and talk properly, listen to what the customer really wants and do it. Surely not so hard, though from what I've experienced, we're in an epidemic of etiquette retarded shop assistants who all sound like Charlie Browns teacher and have the personalty of Lurch from the Addams Family. 

People who scab bits of your food and drink. I hate it when we'll be at a restaurant or eating out at the park or something, and one of your friends goes " can I have some of your drink?", "can I have some of your food?". I'd love to slap their hands away and yell NO! NO YOU CANT! If I pay for a beverage and some food, I intend to eat and drink every bit of it because I'M hungry and I'M thirsty. If THEIR hungry or THEIR thirsty, well then amigo you can get your own. How do you think the cave men survived? They didnt mooch off their mates who'd gone and hunted down their own brontosaurus. Chances are if you took it upon yourself to just take their drink and sip it as you please just because your thirsty, they'd wallop you over the head with their cave man bat and grunt angrily art you, roughly translating to "SOD OFF AND FIND YOUR OWN! I HUNTED IT, I EAT IT! IF YOU KNEW YOU'D BE HUNGRY YOU SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN YOUR OWN!"
Thats what I just dont get. If your in a group, and everyones eating, and so are you, chances are you'll get thirsty, so why not buy yourself a drink? Dont finish your meal and then turn to the person next to you and just drink their drink, because A) thats the epitome of rude, and B) its so FLIPPING annoying that I feel like tipping that drink so that it spills all over their face, after which I'd turn to them and say "did THAT quench your thirst?".
If I wanted friends who'd take my food, I would have made friends with a bunch of seagulls. I didnt realise that along with the title of being a friend, you take on the responsibility of feeding the other friends around you.  Next time I'll bring along some sippy cups and some bibs and hand them out in preparation.
Sad thing is, my mum does this all to often, saying "can I have a bite of that Brooke", to which I  HAVE to say yes, because she's my mum and would probably just make me give her some. Problem is, she has a bite the size of T.Rex and once she's through with what ever you were eating, theres less then half of it left. Her bite is the 8th wonder of the world. But I love her for it :)
Having ranted sufficiently, I bid you adieu :D
Later Gators

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

We cant stop here, this is bat country!

Cool Beans?
yeah, cool beans.

I'm obviously now a drunk.
I dare-say its been 3 months, has it not? I know this is a long time, but I have been out and about with a twist and a shout. I'm back now to write another post, and with it, I bring goodies :D
This may be a rather long blog post, I could make it into an epic saga like Star Wars, but I fear it wont be as successful and interesting as aliens in space what with the explosions and space ships and duels with light up staffs. 
Right. Lets start at the beginning and when I get to the end, I shall stop.
I'M 18 NOW! I celebrated by stuffing my face with every bit of Mexican food I could obtain at the Mexican restaurant we went to for dinner, and the weekend of the my birthday we went to Muswellbrook and my cousins Madd and Todd took me out to the pub, where my mum found some lonely, random bogan called Kevin and thought she'd be a good samaritan and dump him on me and my friends so that he could join in the fun. Turns out Kevin was a freak who wouldnt go away. Thankyou mum, but I think Kevin was being avoided in the first place for a very good reason by some very wise people.
 I turned so on the 9.9.09, a rather splendiferous day for many reasons:
- It was my 18th
- It was the day The Beatles remastered CDs came out, as well as The Beatles rock band
- It was the last day that I ever had to worry about my major works, as on my birthday I had to perform my HSC drama monologue. To say the least, I was pooing myself, but I pulled through OK and seemed to entertain the markers and audience. So I was happy. Prior to this day however, I was STRESSED to the MAX! I had 3 major works due in 3 days: Art was due on the monday, drama group performance was due on the tuesday and monologues were on the Wednesday. I stayed up all night sunday night to finish off my art major work, which turned out splendidly and can be found on your left and right, if you'll just shift your eyes thusly. 


As you may have guessed.. I like The Beatles :P
Next on the agenda is my 18th birthday party. Oh, what a night. I think it is safe to say that it was the best night of my life, so much well mannered frivolity was partaken in and so many laughs were had. The theme was rock and roll, we hired an old school jukebox, and I had it playing the whole time I was cleaning the house, pretending I was Angus Young while mopping the floor, spreading much more water around the place then needed. It looked like the aftermath of a flood after I was done with it. 
Everyone who came, came dressed up and looked just smashing, and almost every person who came to my party ran into the front screen door because its black mesh and looked invisible in the dark. I highly enjoyed lying in wait just to see who was the next innocent victim of THE SCREEN DOOR!

I'm not going to mix words. I got smashed that night, and it was the first time I'd done so.It was  apparently such a hoot that I was drunkenly walking around the party giggling to myself over nothing in particular.. perhaps I thought I was fooling everyone into thinking I was sober, thinking to myself "They have NO idea how drunk I am. So drunk that I feel as if I've just been spun around a few hundred times and am now expected to somehow pin the tale on the donkey....I am the master of deception.."

When the party ended, I had the people who came down from Muswellbrook stay at my house, and when I say sleep, I really mean stay up all night trying to do a ouija board, walking around the streets and paddocks, down to the bridge and getting freaked out in the dark, walking to a servo up the road at 3 in the morning to get some pies when none of us had money, but that didnt matter as the servo was closed, and then going back to my house and reheating almost everything in the 
(Might I add that my friend Billie was dressed as Tina Turner throughout the night, and wore very high heels throughout all those escapades around the street.. He is someone for women to look up to and admire for his feet of iron.)
Who needs sleep when you can watch one of your best friends trot around the dark streets at 3am?

On a related note- My mums also 18 too.
Forever young, eh mum? 
To top of that brill weekend, the very next day(saturday) after one hours sleep, I then had to drive to Muswellbrook for my friends Jarrod and Jesses combined 18th. That night I didnt get any sleep, so for that weekend, my combined hours sleep from friday until sunday was 4 hours. I think the copious amounts of alcohol and no hangovers helped me through it. Bless them :P
For me, September goes down in the history books for being the month of parties. I had one every single weekend of september, that, or I was going out in town. It was the September to remember. 
I, Brooke Munce, now have a boyfriend. My best friend Jarrod(who's born one day before me)  and I are now an item, much like a carton of milk or a packet of rice. Its only been a short while, but updates will be posted here. For now, reports can confirm that I'm happy. :D
*Current annoyance of the week*
People stressing themselves over exams. The HSC is upon us, and I'm seeing people around me crumble like a flake in a maccas 30 cent cone. I dont understand why people get so stressed. It does not compute. I've seen people trying to memorize whole essays, all the while trembling and making noises of distress you'd expect from a lady giving birth. Not someone writing an essay on The Crucible. Am I to lax in my ways of thinking, or is everyone else just to stressed. Is there a happy medium we can all reach without our heads all exploding?
Lets hope so chaps.
*Current love of the week*
Its like God makes every sandwich himself and serves it to you with a smile and a thumbs up. They.Have.Amazing.Subs. 
Sure. I know its nothing more then salad on a bun with some meat. BUT! You try and make some subway on your own at home. You cant do it. You just cant. The people who prepare your subs really are sandwich artists. Their the Leonardo Da Vinci's of the sandwich world. So, i tip my hat to you good sirs and Madams of the Subway world.
My choice of subs? Why that would be a foot long roasted chicken on white bread with old english cheese, carrot,lettuce,tomato,onion and tomato sauce sir! That right there ladies and gents, is what heaven tastes like. 

With that, I think I've said all I need to for now, theres alot here to contemplate, and I expect you to do so. I shall keep you posted with any new updates, thoughts, lame jokes or cool videos I find and feel I need to share with the whole 5 people who read my blog :) Without you I'd just look like a nutter talking to no one on the internet.
Until we next meet,
Too ra!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Observation of the week-
Why do we talk to animals and babies like we expect they'll talk back? we use the most ridiculous of all voices imaginable, something between a shrill squeak that sometimes breaks into a low husky growl. Things that are lower in intelligence then our own seem to require being talked to in a voice that belongs on some horrible multicoloured,googly eyed puppet on a 1960's or 70 kids show like H.R Puff N stuff.

We hold a baby, get right in their face and say in the biggest baby voice "what are yoo doing! what are yooo doing aye? hello,hellooo! WHAT.ARE.YOU.DOING!!!" like they'll suddenly look up and say "well, I just pooed my pants and now I think I may go for a cry"

Its the same for animals. We grab dogs by the ears and rub the crap out of their heads and say "oh who's a beautiful girl? hmm? who is? YOU ARE! YES YOU ARE!! *shrill squeak* YES. YOU.ARE!!" they appear to enjoy it though when we ruff them up by push their saggy skin around or brush their hair back the wrong way or flop their ears up so that their stuck up in the air. I wonder if they're really just sitting there thinking " oh god, here comes Susan again. Let me guess, this time she's going to try and tie a red ribbon around my neck and put on one of her mothers old bras and pretend I'm a dog that belongs to a transexual from the red light district and I have to prance around to sleazy Tom Jones music to get money from passer byers. And she wonders why she has no friends! She spends her entire time making her dog act out weird situations."

They say a mother has the best patience, but I think its the animals and babies of the world who have to put up with the most in life. The annoying toddlers, pre-teens and teenagers they become later in life are just revenge tactics for all the times they were handed around at parties when they were first born like a parcel in pass the parcel, all the times they were made to wear horrid outfits chosen by their mother or grandmother, all the times they were made to go to play group with all the other snotty, yelling,crying kids who ate glue and threw sand in everyones eyes. And the animals, well all the times they ruined that lovely blue rug with their excretions, all the times they ripped the crap out of the lounges, carried food from their bowls to the other side of the room to eat it, broke the christmas trees by climbing up them and chewing through the Tv cords were just ways of saying WHO'S A BEAUTIFUL DOG NOW HUH?!


Too ra to all!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Jumping on the alligator

I'm writing a blog. Thats what.
I love Joan Jett, pictured left :)
But really, I'm writing a lighter post then I've posted in a while. I'm sick of being all serious with the emotions and the thinking and the hey you get off my cloud.

So, I welcome back the old Brooke, and a new story.

In less then 2 months I'm going to be 18. I'm going to be a legal adult, but what they dont know is that mentally I still laugh at fart jokes and think people getting hit in the groin is funny. I'm not ready to be able to DO things by myself and HANDLE "adult situations". I'm gunna have to move out soon and I'm still under the illusion that my house is gunna be a rockin pad with tonnes of cool music playing all the time,non stop parties,good times and comical shenanigans like stirring up the neighbours dog and finding my underpants in the fridge when I go for a juice in the morning.

I'm going to be 18 and I'll be able to go and buy alcohol and drink it openly and freely. If only I actually LIKED alcohol... I guess I can pretend that I like it, like taking tiny little sips and or just pretending to drink it but really just pouring little bits out throughout the night and PRETENDING to be drunk. At least at the end of the night I can pick myself up,dust off my dress and walk out of the party feeling fine while everyone else is laying on the ground in pools of sick and walk around looking like their following a zig zag shaped road..

We were in  Video Ezy last night and there was a movie on the shelf called the "18 year old virgin" and my mother points at it,laughs and goes "oh look,theres a movie made about Brooke!" Now, I'm not ashamed at being an 18 year old virgin, but it makes me realise that that IS something that will change in the future,and that scares the bejeebus out of me. Having only had one boyfriend the whole boy/girl/hormone thing is still new to me,and I freak out whenever I'm forced to hold a guys hand for to long. I'm not sure on how to properly hold I holding it to tight, is my hand to sweaty, do I keep my hand still or do I swing my arm a bit, if the guy rubs my hand with his thumb do I do the same or do I just smile and say "thankyou"?

Then theres the fact I finish school soon. What am I going to do with myself after? Ideally I'd like to just lay in bed and watch Tim Burton and Adam Sandler movies, listen to podcasts and drink coke through a silly straw, but I'm guessing within 2 months I'd be the size of a horse and smell like one too. Not to good an option for the beginning of my life. No ones advertising jobs for horses nowadays are they? If this were pre 20th century I'd have no trouble finding someones cart or wagon to pull.

In other news, my house is so cold that you can see your breath come out in front of you when you breathe and we have no heating what so ever. Mum finally bought home a small heater from coles,I'm guessing,and it has a light in it thats so bright ships are docking in our backyard and I walk away from the lounge room blind as a bat. After all that, its not even warm. 
So,I can now add to my resume under special skills:
- I can live like an eskimo. 

:D Its almost time for rove, the only television show I watch of a week,and I hate to miss it. With that, I bid you all farewell,and have a lovely evening.
Later gators!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I got beat up by a taco

I am back on the web amigos!
Well, I've always been here, I've just been slaving away, working for the educational man. 
year 12 is almost over,and they seemed to have left all the hard assessments until the end. They lull us into a false sense of security by giving us all the "easy" tasks at the start of the year, and then they get harder and you start freaking out and you find you've gone through $50 worth of stress balls and you look like you've busted a vein in your temple.

BUT! I have one more day of term 2 left, all my assessments for this term are done and so I thought I'd come on here and enlighten my readers in the only way I know how...rambling,nonsensical stories :P

So, the first story I'm going to tell is one of discovery and growth. I've learnt alot of people over the past few weeks, and I've bettered myself for this. I no longer feel like I have to try so hard to be certain peoples friends. If I have to try and be someone just for them to accept me, only to have them acknowledge me 30% of the time, then they're not worth my time, and not worth the friendship. Why be friends with people who constantly need the attention of a group of people, constantly need reassurance of how great they are and who only really get close to you to find out what your problems are and why. Since realising this, I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders, and I feel like life looks that much brighter because I know that I'm a better person for having walked away, rather then staying and hating every minute of trying to earn their affection.

So,with that, I feel like I've made some advancements in my life,and I'm ready to move on and improve. :D

Thats all I have for now, but I will return later today or tommorie to talk about a lighter subject and make some funnies :D

thankyou for reading,and I'll catch you gators later.

too ra!

Friday, May 29, 2009

She's the kind of girl you want so much it makes you sorry

I hope to one day be as elegant as Marlene Dietrich

I think I may be a freak of nature thats on par with hurricanes and flooding.
I mean,there hasnt been any official tests and the like,but you can usually tell such things for yourself.

I seem to find myself in a pickle.
I've found that I'm not sure on what I REALLY want.
Its not as simple as deciding whether I want to wear red socks or white socks today, but its a decision that has been nagging away at my brain for some time, only I tend to ignore such nagging issues as I dont have the time for them.

My dilemma is this- I'm not sure whether I really want to be in a relationship, or whether I just like the fact that a boy likes me. I'll do what ever I can in my power to get him to like me, not even sure within myself if I like him, but once I know I've got him hooked, I feel a sense of achievement, and I like to keep it that way, stringing along the poor boy just so that I can experience the feeling of knowing that someone fancies me. And then I feel jealousy at the slight inkling that they might like someone else..

Most of the time I do tend to fall for the boy, who wouldnt? But still, I'm wondering if this is how I'll base my relationships for my entire life... or if I'll wake up to myself and learn to let these poor lads off the hook,and stop playing games with them,and ultimately,myself.

I've made up my mind.
It stops here.
I dont need to do this to anyone,and no one needs this done to them.
If theres one thing that my year 12 retreat has taught me, its that people see me as a strong, courageous,confident,quirky young girl who doesnt care what people think of her,and stands for what she believes in.
And by golly I think I agree with them. 
I feel an epiphany coming on, set to the inspirational music of start me up by the Rolling stones.
Thankyou Mister Jagger. For I am going on a diet of the soul.  Lets see how I can go with acting a little more mature,and paying more attention to everything..
It's exciting isnt it? Almost as exciting as sitting around the Tv eating chocolate and seeing who's getting kicked off the prime time reality TV show this week. 

In other news, I've developed a love of Cambels chunky soup.It is what happiness would taste like in soup form,with chunks of good times thrown in among it.
Now I know why Andy Warhol painted a can of soup, he must of liked it as much as I do.

*Current annoyance of the week*
Its sore like a mother ucker. I feel like I'm an 87 year old woman who's spent her life hunched over a spinning wheel, and I have no idea why.
Maybe its my ridiculously bad posture as of late..
but lets not jump to hasty conclusions now... :D
I've been walking around the house groaning like an old Jewish man in a modern society and stretching my back out like some sort of 1980's fitness video instructor. 

*Current love of the week*
Sent to me by the wonderful Willow (no,not some sort of wondrous book giving tree,but a lovely lady who I've become friends with through my mum) These books are the diary of Adrian Mole and they start when he's aged 13 3/4, and they go through until he's 16. There is only 2 of them,but they are a day by day account of his life, and they are bloody fantastic. I LOVE them. They are so funny,sad,witty, edgy and daring, they are simply brill. ;D so thankyou again Willow for those books, I enjoyed every minute of them :D

Other then that, I dont have to much to say because I'm fair tired and sore, so I shall depart to go watch a movie. I bid you all a good night,good morning, good afternoon, good evening and I hope all is well in your life.

Too ra until it's hello!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Cheese is a kind of meat

Alert the mayor, stop the presses!
Everything is nifty in the land of Brooke.
Time has a way of healing things. Its like some sort of magical herb or pill.

So what have I got to rant about now? I shall inform you,if you'll follow me to the next line..

I dont watch television. I tried,and I hated it. Its a horrible experience and I ended up walking away shaky and sweaty and needed to lie down for a minute. What is wrong with our idea of entertainment these days?! How did we go from watching the comedic shenanigans of a military base in M*A*S*H, to watching half naked lesbians roll around in a mud pit,fighting for the affections of someone?

Since when did watching people lose weight, cook meals, find love, win money, try out for musicals and spend 3 months inside the one house become prime time television that simply cant  be missed?

I would really like to know where the morbid fascination for these shows starts,and where it will end. Its like some sort of bad taste program vomit that just keeps coming, and its got large chunks of indecent exposure, cat fights, invasion of privacy and foul mouthed bogans.

The main offender for these types of shows is MTV.
MTV is like the boss of what goes on in the reality tv world.
Its the large fat woman with a horrible hairy mole,bad breath and deathly sweat stains who seems to be in charge, was at the top of her game in her youth and has just gone bad with age and resorted to bad,flaky make up and sour smelling perfume to cover up the horrible mess she's become. 
MTV stands for Music TeleVision.
But if you turn it on nowadays,you'll find music has been asked to move away because its blocking the view of the tacky, yet popular, reality tv shows. Some of these shows include a show where a bisexual woman brings 10 boys and 1o lesbians into her giant mansion and gets them to compete for her affection,and somewhere in this mix she's supposedly meant to find her true love..
now,call me old fashioned, but I dont believe love is discovered through a series of games and eliminations broadcast world wide while the love-looker fannies about the place in heels, shorts so short and tops so low that it looks like a sausage has burst on either end.
But hey. If it sells, then it really doesn't matter what happens,does it?

And then theres all these dance and singing shows. I think its great that we broadcast the talent of our nation, but really,the most interesting part of those shows is watching the hilariously bad auditions done by people convinced they're top notch singers/dancers with a shot at making the big time and impressing the judges so much that their ties fly and up and they're sent straight though to Sydney.Most of these people are just bogans who've been on the smoke a bit to much, or people who've spent to much time at home in the lounge room watching video clips and making their own 90's boy band routine to the songs.

The newest show to jump on the bandwagon is masterchef.
Didn't we all grasp that after all those Jamie Oliver shows got cancelled, ready steady cook and Hueys cooking adventures all got moved to being shown at 11 am when no ones home to watch them,and the only reason that Gordon Ramsey was still on TV was because he swears heaps, that cooking shows just DONT have the same tv show quality that other programs do? I cant remember a time when the perfectly grilled steak or a finely diced cinnamon stick was edge of your seat enough to be broadcast into peoples homes every night at 7.


In all, TV is going crazy. You've only got to look at the programs your kids watch to understand why they're all so hard to relate to, dress and speak like an gangster, start drinking so young, know far to many swear words and wear clothes that are so revealing they look like they were made for some sort of sexual practical joke.

So here, in my old fashioned personal taste, is a list of my favourite television programs. Shows that range from classic, to off beat and silly :D I own most of these on DVD as they dont get shown on television anymore unfortunately.

1. The mighty boosh
2. The Brady Bunch
3. The IT Crowd
4. The Office
5. The Lucy Show/I love Lucy
6. Antiques Roadshow

:D thats all for now. My rant is over, and I hope you all enjoyed, I shall be back as soon as I feel I have something of interest to talk about :P

too ra blog readers!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The best medicine is back on track with his Burger King girlfriend.

Heart break is the topic of the day.
It hurts,its ugly,and I've got a large serving of it,and I'm not allowed to leave the dinner table until I've finished it.

I've never understood heartbreak. I've only ever liked 3 boys enough in my entire life to ever experience what its like to care for someone.
The first 2 of these 3 cant even really be considered relationships,more of a small crush that was dragged out into oblivion.

But the 3rd was amazing. It was perfect. It was storybook, it was the funnest 3 months I've ever had in my entire life. Lewis was the best friend made in heaven. And he was mine until I got caught up in the fear of realisation at the fact that I'd gotten so far into something I never thought I'd achieve, and broke it off.

Worst mistake of my life, and the most life changing. 
I've never felt more sorry in my life.
Never been so sad in my entire life.
Never cried so much in my entire life.
Never hated myself more in my entire life.
Never wanted someone back more in my entire life.

It feels like my chest is slowly filling up with boiling hot soapy water,and with each slosh and rising level, I'm sinking deeper and deeper into the regrets and sadness of free will and the power of choice.

I've always HATED all those stupid love songs that talk about how much love drives you crazy and makes you do stupid things. I always thought that what they were talking about was so fake and silly and tacky.

But now I get it.
I get that when you meet someone and they seem to make everything around you feel like it suddenly makes sense, that the world becomes a completely new place, and happiness takes on a new meaning.

that maybe all the friendships you've ever had in your entire life were just shallow puddles compared to the ocean your now swimming in.

that all those times you had crushes on boys and always thought they meant so much to you were so vain and pathetic compared to how much this one person DOES mean to you.

I get that their what you to go bed thinking of,and what you wake up for.

they can make you smile with the smallest of gestures.

that when you see that something you've done has hurt them,that it feels like you've just crushed a small childs hopes and dreams and seeing the fear in its eyes when it realises the world isnt all good.

when you realise how much you meant to someone, and didnt realise it, or chose to take it for granted.

I understand now how your whole body takes a beating when your heat doesn't feel like working all day everyday. its become lazy and chooses not to feel,or to feel to much.

that your mind begins to taunt you about decisions and how big of a rut you've gotten yourself into, and challenges you as to whether you deserve to get back out.

I understand now that the worst thing to see in the world is the pain you placed in the eyes of the one you love, and know that no matter how hard you work to clean it away, it'll always stain,and it'll always hurt.

I understand that no amount of sorry's ever really mean the sorry your trying to say.

I understand what it truly means to miss someone, and to try and hold on to the past when you know you've tainted the future.

I understand the hatred someone can feel for someone else and their actions,and have never fully understood the justification for that anger until now.

I understand I was,am,will be wrong. 

and I understand now what pain,and life really feels like.

Now I understand what the countless singers and song writers over the years were trying to express and warn us about. If I'd listened, I might have been able to voice my problems,instead of trying to figure them out on my own, and making them worse.

For those of you who are married, you'll know what it means to love someone, and how much it would hurt to lose that person. They're your life. They're your soul. They're your other half that supports you,and you to them.

I may only be 17 years old, but the first taste of love will always be an experience to judge other samples of love against. I may never find someone who's as wonderful as lewis, who loved me as much as he did, but I hope to the higher being who watches over us all that Lewis finds someone who loves him as much as I loved him,and will care about him as much as I continue to care about him.

So, this is what they call growing and learning? Well, I can say that on this first meeting with it, it's proven a powerful and overbearing enemy. 

For now, I've got to wait. And continue to check the pocket watch, then wait some more.
The waiting is the worst part.

Until next time amigo's

Sunday, March 15, 2009

It is said that his enemies would go blind from over-exposure to pure awesomeness!


We've got a problemo here. I seem to be neglecting my blog a little to much dont I? If my blog were baby, I'm sure I'd have some hideous court case against me and it'd be put into a foster home.

hmm. Yes. This needs to stop :D

On a lighter note-HELLO BLOG READERS! 

I've been working hard and hardly working. Being in year 12 is as hard as trying to work out my mums iphone. But alas. Its a good time. and there aint no party like my nanas tea party.

Side note- I finally got a hair cut! It took a million years, while crossing the desert of a thousand "maybe laters" and many please pleases but I now have shorter hair and I love it. Thankyou mum for this rad cut. I am forever in your debt.

I wonder how many people actually read these things? I would like to know if people acknowledge their existence or if these blog websites are here to create a false sense of acknowledgment for people who think that people read their thoughts and ponder them.
:D for me personally, I reckon its just my family who reads it. So I'll say hey to them now, and thanks for reading,without you, I might not have an audience with whom i can share my infinite 17 year old wisdom with. :D

But in all seriousness, I would like to carry out an experiment. If you read this blog, I would like you to post me a comment with a witty remark.  :D please and thankyou.

Current passion of the week-
The website "I can has cheezeburger"

I have been perusing this website for a week now and I have been giggling my bum off, and now expect my cat and dog to suddenly do funny things like the animals in the pictures. Who would of thought that animals caught in funny positions on camera accompanied by funny captions could be so hilariously entertaining.

I shun all the non believers.

Current annoyance of the week-
How original,a human being who hates being tested. Yes,well. Go eat your lemon meringue pie. I gots some complaining to do. I really dont get why exams are so formal and official. I dont mind them as much now as I used to,but still. I find it extremely difficult to sit still for 2 hours while trying to complete a 3 section paper without day dreaming about what would happen at that precise moment if Willie Wonka suddenly burst into the room and offered everyone free chocolate and joy rides around his factory.

I'm surprised I even get one blog post done without wandering off and frolicking in the long grass and mud when theres a million other things I know I should be doing. My attention span is as short as I am tall.

And in the end, I know what subjects I'm good or bad at,I dont need a piece of paper with crap marks on it to tell me.

And now,for some art-
Irina Ionesco is a fairly interesting and provocative photographer that I developed a liking of. Not for everyone of course, but still worth a check out.

Well.  Its almost 11.30 pm. I'm tired. I have a bed,and humans usually sleep in them. All the classic signs of the fact that I should be sleeping. And dont fret. I'll now be posting regularly in short tid bits instead of epic tales of woe and love and turmoil...all the usual stuff that occures in the life of Brooke Munce.

Also,its almost winter,BRILL!! Bring on the cold weather and stockings! I'll have to post a photo of my stocking collection. You'll gasp in awe and leave with a sense of fulfillment and joy because of it....well,not quite. But at least pretend to so that I feel like me and my stockinged legs make a difference to someone's life :D

With that, I say Aloha, auf Wiedersehen, bon soir, sayonara, and all those good bye things, baby.

too ra! 

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

FOUR! I mean FIVE! I mean FIRE!

Welcome Welcome,come in,come in. Yes even you sir with the hideous lime green blazer on.

This will be a relatively short blog,well,I'm hoping. Once I get on a roll I cant stop.. much like the coins you drop at the checkout which always seem to look like their rolling in a marathon to be the first one to reach under the counter where absolutely no human hand could possibly reach them, rendering them useless,and forcing you to put back that Kit Kat.

anywhoo,just came on here to drop off some tid bits about myself.

Item one-

They are amazing. Fantabulous. Magic. Mystical. Dreamy. Hilarious. Cheeky. Priceless. Lovable. Brill ace. Unique. Gods. :D

My Favourite Beatle is Ringo, and I know some would argue a strong point that he was a lesser Beatle, but they are wrong. Oh so very wrong. You've only got to watch Ringo perform and be himself and he is the very essence of what it means to be a Beatle-cheeky,fun,living in the moment and entertaining. :D god bless him.

Not the mention the fact he is amazingly gorgeous and his voice is as smooth as ice cream.. The same goes for paul and George :)

These are 3 of my favourite photos of the Beatles. One is Ringo playing the Lion from a midsummer nights dream,one is Paul in glasses, and one is of the group. :D

Item two-
art art apple tart, I crush it up and make it fun,smash on the canvas OH!! look how it runs. it smells like pie,but looks like paint. Doesn't the dear canvas look so quaint?

And now its time for show and tell, just a few of my art works that I can upload on here propers :D

Also,I'm going to give a shout out to some of my Favorite People-
Hannah will read your mind and exclaim the exact words you were planning on saying. Like "muggy" and touch door handles at the exact time you do. She's part of a sinister club called the Boffins. Sound scary? WELL THEY ARE! Their so tough they'll walk through pouring rain to scavenge food, led by the notorious navigator Boffin Hannah. She's a nasty piece of work who'll drink all your coffee and leave your house energized like a battery in a porn film.

 Will throw his epic frisbee and make you run and fetch it. After which he'll draw all over everything you own and steal your guitar hero and ice tea. They call him the frisguitea tagger.  Some say he's half sharpie, others say he was born out of a spray can in the back alleys of office works. Either way,his name is Lewis.

He owns a beast car. Drives around at night looking for trouble. To be safe,please lock away all trouble and do NOT give him your American mustard,no matter how much he begs. Will succumb when threatened with a leaf blower, and will pierce your ears when your not looking..its his calling card. Always has a buffet of delicious foods, and wears glow sticks as leg warmers when in his femme fatal disguise. He's very attentive, he knows you wee in the shower.

See you all later on!
later gators

Sunday, January 18, 2009

I like to imagine Jesus in a tuxedo shirt




HOk. So. Blog. Blog.

Well Christmas was a blast! I had my first alcoholic beverage. And it took me an over an hour to get through,and nothing happened. With all the hype the kids at school give grog and its after effects, I expected some dramatic change to take place, like suddenly I'd grow an grow an extra pair of legs with had a mind of their own and kicked everyone as I went past.

But sadly no. Nothing happened and I was left feeling a little let down.. I dunno what kind of experience everyone else is having,but I'm sure as heck not invited to that party!

Hmmm.. I really need a new bra. I'm stuck with this flesh coloured number that I've had for to long and officially has become part of my body..though it sadly looks odd for the fact that the flesh colour of the bra is darker then my actual skin,which is so white and translucent you can actually see the food working its way through my stomach through the skin. I charge the kids $5 to come see how the digestive system works and thats there science reports done. I've become something of a local legend. They think I'm half ghost..

How quaint. I've been wearing a bra for almost 10 years now. Its weird when your 9 and you start growing up,out,diagonal,round and sideways..I felt like Violet Beauregard in Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory when she swells and swells after eating the gum... except I didn't turn purple and I didn't need to be rolled away by oompa loompa's..

But everyone else seemed to remain the same 9 year old shape and didnt look like they'd started each day by taking the shoulder pads out of their mums jackets and sewn them onto the chest area of their school uniform. 

By the time everyone had grown chests as big as mine and reached the stage of obvious puberty and entered the room of "being a woman" I'd been sitting in that room having been the first to arrive to that party. I'd read the "WELCOME TO YOUR TEEN YEARS!" banner thousands of times,sampled the mini spring rolls,drank numerous amounts of punch and had a little jig to the "best of 80's" double cd playing. I'd resorted to flicking through the stack of horrible,gossipy teen magazines,licking my thumb and turning the pages, having muttered conversations with myself over the Britney Spears saga,when suddenly I look up and see a few girls come shuffling in nervously and I shout "ABOUT TIME! DID YOU NOT THINK TO LET ME KNOW YOU'D BE LATE WHEN YOU R.S.V.P'D?!"

I'm also driving now.. I've had my license for about..well over a year and I was/kinda am terrified of driving,having convinced myself that my lack of concentration/coordination/road knowledge will eventually lead to a car crash ruining many peoples cars and a very nice shiny, red post box. But after being shoved in  the front seat and strapped in, I was forced to drive, and can so far say all cars are in tact,and post boxes need not fear. I'm a steady driver,but when it comes to parking, I fail like a nun trying to flirt. Car parks are my arch foe, and when faced with parking in one of those meticulous boxes marked out by 2 white lines,well I just about lose it. When trying to park,I somehow managed to end up parking on top of that white line, rendering the car parks on either side of me useless...which may or may not have been my evil plan from the beginning as some sort of revenge against the evil car parks of the world.

I just adore the 1920's and thought I'd share with you some of the magic from this amazing era. My 2 favorite actresses' from the 20's are Clara Bow and Louise Brooks, both women who we're feisty and courageous and who both didn't survive the talkies,and ended up spiraling into oblivion,only to be catapulted to the pillar of immortal because of their amazing works. :D

Clara Bow

Louise Brooks

Well,all that said and done, I'm gonna head off and look for a bowler hat :D
thankyou ever so for reading,and I'll catch you cool cats on the flip flop later!
too ra!