Wednesday, February 11, 2009

FOUR! I mean FIVE! I mean FIRE!

Welcome Welcome,come in,come in. Yes even you sir with the hideous lime green blazer on.

This will be a relatively short blog,well,I'm hoping. Once I get on a roll I cant stop.. much like the coins you drop at the checkout which always seem to look like their rolling in a marathon to be the first one to reach under the counter where absolutely no human hand could possibly reach them, rendering them useless,and forcing you to put back that Kit Kat.

anywhoo,just came on here to drop off some tid bits about myself.

Item one-

They are amazing. Fantabulous. Magic. Mystical. Dreamy. Hilarious. Cheeky. Priceless. Lovable. Brill ace. Unique. Gods. :D

My Favourite Beatle is Ringo, and I know some would argue a strong point that he was a lesser Beatle, but they are wrong. Oh so very wrong. You've only got to watch Ringo perform and be himself and he is the very essence of what it means to be a Beatle-cheeky,fun,living in the moment and entertaining. :D god bless him.

Not the mention the fact he is amazingly gorgeous and his voice is as smooth as ice cream.. The same goes for paul and George :)

These are 3 of my favourite photos of the Beatles. One is Ringo playing the Lion from a midsummer nights dream,one is Paul in glasses, and one is of the group. :D

Item two-
art art apple tart, I crush it up and make it fun,smash on the canvas OH!! look how it runs. it smells like pie,but looks like paint. Doesn't the dear canvas look so quaint?

And now its time for show and tell, just a few of my art works that I can upload on here propers :D

Also,I'm going to give a shout out to some of my Favorite People-
Hannah will read your mind and exclaim the exact words you were planning on saying. Like "muggy" and touch door handles at the exact time you do. She's part of a sinister club called the Boffins. Sound scary? WELL THEY ARE! Their so tough they'll walk through pouring rain to scavenge food, led by the notorious navigator Boffin Hannah. She's a nasty piece of work who'll drink all your coffee and leave your house energized like a battery in a porn film.

 Will throw his epic frisbee and make you run and fetch it. After which he'll draw all over everything you own and steal your guitar hero and ice tea. They call him the frisguitea tagger.  Some say he's half sharpie, others say he was born out of a spray can in the back alleys of office works. Either way,his name is Lewis.

He owns a beast car. Drives around at night looking for trouble. To be safe,please lock away all trouble and do NOT give him your American mustard,no matter how much he begs. Will succumb when threatened with a leaf blower, and will pierce your ears when your not looking..its his calling card. Always has a buffet of delicious foods, and wears glow sticks as leg warmers when in his femme fatal disguise. He's very attentive, he knows you wee in the shower.

See you all later on!
later gators