Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Observation of the week-
Why do we talk to animals and babies like we expect they'll talk back? we use the most ridiculous of all voices imaginable, something between a shrill squeak that sometimes breaks into a low husky growl. Things that are lower in intelligence then our own seem to require being talked to in a voice that belongs on some horrible multicoloured,googly eyed puppet on a 1960's or 70 kids show like H.R Puff N stuff.

We hold a baby, get right in their face and say in the biggest baby voice "what are yoo doing! what are yooo doing aye? hello,hellooo! WHAT.ARE.YOU.DOING!!!" like they'll suddenly look up and say "well, I just pooed my pants and now I think I may go for a cry"

Its the same for animals. We grab dogs by the ears and rub the crap out of their heads and say "oh who's a beautiful girl? hmm? who is? YOU ARE! YES YOU ARE!! *shrill squeak* YES. YOU.ARE!!" they appear to enjoy it though when we ruff them up by push their saggy skin around or brush their hair back the wrong way or flop their ears up so that their stuck up in the air. I wonder if they're really just sitting there thinking " oh god, here comes Susan again. Let me guess, this time she's going to try and tie a red ribbon around my neck and put on one of her mothers old bras and pretend I'm a dog that belongs to a transexual from the red light district and I have to prance around to sleazy Tom Jones music to get money from passer byers. And she wonders why she has no friends! She spends her entire time making her dog act out weird situations."

They say a mother has the best patience, but I think its the animals and babies of the world who have to put up with the most in life. The annoying toddlers, pre-teens and teenagers they become later in life are just revenge tactics for all the times they were handed around at parties when they were first born like a parcel in pass the parcel, all the times they were made to wear horrid outfits chosen by their mother or grandmother, all the times they were made to go to play group with all the other snotty, yelling,crying kids who ate glue and threw sand in everyones eyes. And the animals, well all the times they ruined that lovely blue rug with their excretions, all the times they ripped the crap out of the lounges, carried food from their bowls to the other side of the room to eat it, broke the christmas trees by climbing up them and chewing through the Tv cords were just ways of saying WHO'S A BEAUTIFUL DOG NOW HUH?!


Too ra to all!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Jumping on the alligator

I'm writing a blog. Thats what.
I love Joan Jett, pictured left :)
But really, I'm writing a lighter post then I've posted in a while. I'm sick of being all serious with the emotions and the thinking and the hey you get off my cloud.

So, I welcome back the old Brooke, and a new story.

In less then 2 months I'm going to be 18. I'm going to be a legal adult, but what they dont know is that mentally I still laugh at fart jokes and think people getting hit in the groin is funny. I'm not ready to be able to DO things by myself and HANDLE "adult situations". I'm gunna have to move out soon and I'm still under the illusion that my house is gunna be a rockin pad with tonnes of cool music playing all the time,non stop parties,good times and comical shenanigans like stirring up the neighbours dog and finding my underpants in the fridge when I go for a juice in the morning.

I'm going to be 18 and I'll be able to go and buy alcohol and drink it openly and freely. If only I actually LIKED alcohol... I guess I can pretend that I like it, like taking tiny little sips and or just pretending to drink it but really just pouring little bits out throughout the night and PRETENDING to be drunk. At least at the end of the night I can pick myself up,dust off my dress and walk out of the party feeling fine while everyone else is laying on the ground in pools of sick and walk around looking like their following a zig zag shaped road..

We were in  Video Ezy last night and there was a movie on the shelf called the "18 year old virgin" and my mother points at it,laughs and goes "oh look,theres a movie made about Brooke!" Now, I'm not ashamed at being an 18 year old virgin, but it makes me realise that that IS something that will change in the future,and that scares the bejeebus out of me. Having only had one boyfriend the whole boy/girl/hormone thing is still new to me,and I freak out whenever I'm forced to hold a guys hand for to long. I'm not sure on how to properly hold I holding it to tight, is my hand to sweaty, do I keep my hand still or do I swing my arm a bit, if the guy rubs my hand with his thumb do I do the same or do I just smile and say "thankyou"?

Then theres the fact I finish school soon. What am I going to do with myself after? Ideally I'd like to just lay in bed and watch Tim Burton and Adam Sandler movies, listen to podcasts and drink coke through a silly straw, but I'm guessing within 2 months I'd be the size of a horse and smell like one too. Not to good an option for the beginning of my life. No ones advertising jobs for horses nowadays are they? If this were pre 20th century I'd have no trouble finding someones cart or wagon to pull.

In other news, my house is so cold that you can see your breath come out in front of you when you breathe and we have no heating what so ever. Mum finally bought home a small heater from coles,I'm guessing,and it has a light in it thats so bright ships are docking in our backyard and I walk away from the lounge room blind as a bat. After all that, its not even warm. 
So,I can now add to my resume under special skills:
- I can live like an eskimo. 

:D Its almost time for rove, the only television show I watch of a week,and I hate to miss it. With that, I bid you all farewell,and have a lovely evening.
Later gators!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I got beat up by a taco

I am back on the web amigos!
Well, I've always been here, I've just been slaving away, working for the educational man. 
year 12 is almost over,and they seemed to have left all the hard assessments until the end. They lull us into a false sense of security by giving us all the "easy" tasks at the start of the year, and then they get harder and you start freaking out and you find you've gone through $50 worth of stress balls and you look like you've busted a vein in your temple.

BUT! I have one more day of term 2 left, all my assessments for this term are done and so I thought I'd come on here and enlighten my readers in the only way I know how...rambling,nonsensical stories :P

So, the first story I'm going to tell is one of discovery and growth. I've learnt alot of people over the past few weeks, and I've bettered myself for this. I no longer feel like I have to try so hard to be certain peoples friends. If I have to try and be someone just for them to accept me, only to have them acknowledge me 30% of the time, then they're not worth my time, and not worth the friendship. Why be friends with people who constantly need the attention of a group of people, constantly need reassurance of how great they are and who only really get close to you to find out what your problems are and why. Since realising this, I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders, and I feel like life looks that much brighter because I know that I'm a better person for having walked away, rather then staying and hating every minute of trying to earn their affection.

So,with that, I feel like I've made some advancements in my life,and I'm ready to move on and improve. :D

Thats all I have for now, but I will return later today or tommorie to talk about a lighter subject and make some funnies :D

thankyou for reading,and I'll catch you gators later.

too ra!