Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Wow. I can actually see the tumbleweed through here.
I need to get my bum into gear and get writing!

first things first-
go me, you go girl, congratulations, kudos, ohh yeah! for all those kool aid fans out there.
Having my own moolah is possibly the best thing EVER! I cant even tell you how many books I've bought from borders and how many new clothes I've bought. I'm pretty much rolling in excessive purchases.

I'm now a Go-Go dancer in a band!

Its possibly the funnest thing in my life, and I would love to become a promotional go-go dancer some day. The Band I dance in is called The Lamplighters, and we're a 50's and 60's soul cover band. I'm hoping all this dancing will give me some sweet leg muscles and maybe even a good looking butt to go with them :D

Heres hoping.

I'm still with Jarrod. We're mad tight awesome super fun good friends :D I love him ever so much, even if he is a douche bag who has to show EVERYONE my horribly horrible Muswellbrook workers club membership card photo, which makes me look as if I'd been on a week long drug binge and have been punched in the face. He thinks its hilarious. I, do not.

One thing I have been enjoying is drinking games and watching old horror movies, the best of which is EVIL DEAD! These movies are the BEST!
When I first watched Evil dead 2 it was under the insistence of Jarrod, however me being the scardy cat I was back then, Jarrod had to hold me down to watch it, and even then I only lasted 5 minutes.
But now I love them, though I'm yet to see number 1.
Bruce Campbell is dead sexy, he can show me his boom stick anyday, HEYYOOO! haha
They are hilarsiously bad, scary and amazingly done. A must see for everyone.

Anywhoo, thats all I have time for at the momento, but I shall be back hopefully soon, if not, I'm terribly sorry, but I'm lazy, and its getting worse with age :D

too ra until next time!