Saturday, November 28, 2009

Its not easy being cheesy.

I'm the captain of the paper seas. 

Life is a merry afair for an unemployed, out of school 18 year old. My days are full to bursting with relaxation and comfort. For example:
10 am- Awaken to alarm. Press snooze button.
10.05- snooze button.
10.10- snooze button
10.15- snooze button
(this continues for another 2 hours)
12.15 pm- after a delightful sleep, slightly interrupted by the occasional alarm, which eventually gets turned off and ignored, I rise to the afternoon, mozy on down stairs, have some raison toast, drink some juice. 
12.45- meander up stairs, potter around my room pretending to clean while really just moving things about to give the illusion of change. 
1.00- have a shower, while playing a Doors CD fairly loudly.
1.30-  Play some playstation, get frustrated, curse under my breath at how hard games are and then laugh at the game calling it names and yelling at it 'IN YOUR FACE!' when I beat the certain level I was trying to overcome. For some reason, in my aggravated state of mind, I seem to think teasing the game and yelling at it would have some sort of affect on it, as if by me saying "WHAT! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? I JUST ATTACKED THAT BEAST WITH A LEVEL 3 BLADE! HOW IS IT NOT DEAD?!" or "I SAID JUMP LEFT! LEFT! IF I WANTED TO JUMP RIGHT I WOULD HAVE INDICATED RIGHT WITH THE GEAR STICK YOU MONG!", that the games going to go:
"hmm...yeah your right, that beast should have been slain like a cake at Fat Alberts house, I'll give you that. Err.. why dont I give you some extra health points and tell you where the location of the hidden chests are and we'll forget this unpleasantness ever happened..I, I think we could all go home happy then. And stop with the name calling, alright, its hard enough being a game no mortal being can defeat, I dont need to be insulted on top of that."
4.00- get my snackage on. Usually a bun loaded with ham, lettuce, cheese, red onion and tomato sauce.
4.30- Watch some DVDs, my collection has become my new best friend.
7.oo-11.30pm- Lurk the internet and facebook, chatting to people and making unnecessary 'likes' on random things, as well as pretending to not be online when someone I dont wish to speak to pops up on the instant messenger. Now everyone knows my secret..
11.30-2.30am- lay in bed/fall asleep watching movies while my television is on timer.
And then the cycle starts again. 
Its the circle of life. And it moves us all. 
So, reading over my schedule, there may or may not be a few flaws some of my more cluey readers may have picked up on. Their not major problems, but they could probably be smoothed out. Such as sleeping in until noon. Playing video games and watching movies all day. Staying up late on facebook even though no ones ever on at 2am. And staying up so late. Even as I type this its 2.07am.
The solution, as my parents and boyfriend have so KINDLY pointed out to me in every possible way, is to get a JOB. ( I seriously expect them to start bringing out flow charts and graphs to show me how much a job would benefit me) 
So, I guess I'm left with this option. It'll have detrimental effects on my routine which I've so easily fell into,  but on the plus side, I'll have my own MOOLAH to buy things such as a new skirt and season 4 of The Office. 
When you weigh my options, you've got:
A) a moocher life style most likely to continue until the age of 23 when my parents finally get sick of telling me to get a job and cut my hair 'you hippie'.
B) working for the man, earning much needed cash and meeting new people, learning new skills and getting me out of the house and teaching me responsibilities that I'll carry through my entire life.

This really is a no brainer.
I'm going with A. Lock it in Eddie.
:D I'm joking. But I had you for a second. I had you thinking "But Brooke, are you really that silly and reckless? Do you want to spend your early 20's living with your parents and earning the nickname 'herpes' because you never go away?"

So, a resume is in the cards, as is pounding the pavement and getting my game face on for potential interviews. 
I did have a job once. I made a living taking the raisons out the the Queens raison bread every morning. It was hard work but someone's gotta do it. I got fired though when the queen bit into her toast once and found a raison.. she was allergic to them see, but still ate the raison bread because she wanted to live life on the edge. They had to put up a railing around the edge though for a while because her neck and face swelled up so much from the reaction that any slight shift of weight on either side could have tipped her right over the edge and toppling into the abyss.  Personally, I think she would have been better off with parachuting if she wanted to live life on the edge. She could have jumped out of a plane and parachuted down waving to the crowd and landed in her horse drawn carriage while in one of her parades. 
But on a serious note, I really am going to look for a job. So the next time you see me, I should hopefully be blue collar, rather then stained with sauce collar. 

On a side note, I'm totally SMIT with my boyfriend/ best friend Jarrod :D He drives down to Newcastle every weekend just to see me. If the oil companies want someone to thank for making them so rich, I think it should be a personally addressed letter of thanks to Jarrod. He's probably also one of the main causes of global warming with all the driving he does... so its kind of a delightful disaster, a like eating a really rich chocolate cake knowing full well what its going to do to your thighs.  
Jarrod: The camera loves you BABY.

kodak momento.

So thats all folks. For now at least.
Until next time
Too ra 
later gator
Don't forget your toilet paper

1 comment:

dottied said...

I so need to meet you in person, cause I LOVE you! Dotster!