Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Ello Poppits :D

Well! It seems that Buddha's up there saying "go Brooke go!" cause lately I've been going!

First update is that my crush on the Marcus lad lasted all of 3 weeks. After spending 4 periods a week drooling all over my english work with a glazed expression on my face perving on Marcus, I realised enough was enough...and that all my writing had run together and made it damned near impossible to decipher the notes I'd taken during the lesson.

Note to self- when checking out boys in class,be sure to have work securely encased in plastic sleeves, and wear a raincoat..trying to explain why the front of your shirt is damp is quite tricky.

Brooke out and about!
About 3 weeks ago I embarked on an art excursion to sculptures by the sea in Sydney. It was a wonderful day full of squeezing through small pathways crammed full of countless Chinese, Indian and Americans. May I ask, why do people suddenly become totally incompetent when in a crowd? For some reason people think its perfectly fine to stop right in the middle of the path. blocking the way of the thousands of other people trying to make their way up the path to see artworks they pretend they understand but on the inside are thinking " I dont get it...3 iron bars twisted into the formation of a pretzel...why is that? Is it a metaphorical statement that the Sydney has bad pretzels? Make a mental note not to buy Sydney baked goods..."

There was some amazing art works though, and I also learnt that the local Bondi Mcdonalds is home to the pigeons who roam the street outside,and that Bondi Beach is home to at least 2 bums and a man who looks like he's jiving as he's crossing the street in incredibly short blue hot pants.

Another good thing from the art excursion was that I met Lewis, a boy who does art in my year at school who added me on myspace the day after the excursion. Needless to say we got on like a house on fire,minus the burning bodies and loss of all personal possessions. I soon came to realise that this young chap has developed what those in know would call a "crush".

Hallelujah! The droughts broken. Finally someone saw through the mass of half naked orange, blonde haired zombies and saw me in the corner sketching away in my art diary and singing along rather loudly to Hey Jude by The Beatles...considering myself to be lyrically on par with Paul McCartney.... I'm guessing those listening would beg to differ.

But Lewis is a swell lad who I'm very glad to be friends with...maybe something more in the future,who knows! We'll see where this journey leads me. :D

For a while I have been interested in graffiti..not actually performing the act of graffiti..I dont possess the stamina to out run the fuzz  or the craft to step back and be proud of the work, but admiring it... and mainly admiring the work of a British graffiti artist Banksy. His work is amazing and sends wonderful political and social messages, and has remained a mystery as to who he is or what he looks like...his art is identity enough. I fully salute Banksy and his skillful,provocative and powerful work.

His website is-

What else is there to report in my life at the present stage?

OH! On one of my horrid  bus trips, a seedy looking guy in his mid to late 20's turned around to face me the other day and announce that he "has a really sore shoulder" and would I mind "giving him a back rub?"

Er,no. I dont think any person in their right mind would give you a back rub mate,not even in a hazmat suit with 2 pitbulls waiting at the ready to pounce and kill what ever bacteria evolved creature emerges from under your beanie or fingernails. 

Did he really think I'd oblige and say-"why yes. Yes I think I could spare a few minutes and pamper you and your sore shoulder. Let me just get out the oil and whack the  'ocean breeze and whale calls' CD into the CD player to calm you down and ease the tension."

Current excitement of the week-
Having the Obama Pajama Banana party with my best friends Maddie and Billie on friday. Yes, we're not American, but to commemorate the event, we thought we'd celebrate with a movie marathon watching movies that have African American leading roles. While wearing pajamas. And eating bananas..the fruit and the lolly kind.

Also looking forward to my first ever date. :D Lewis has asked me out on a date, and I said yes. Only problem is..I've never been on one before... therefor are a little anxious as to what goes on whilst on a date...I'm beginning to think anything could happen... for some reason my image of a first date goes along the lines of Aladdin and Jasmin's first date in the Disney movie Aladdin. So, if Lewis doesn't show up in a turban,riding a flying carpet that takes us to places such as Egypt and China, or flying along disturbing a flock of flamingo's then I'm going to be severely disappointed.

Disney set me up with alot of ideals and expectations when I was little...Take the movie Toy Story.For a while I was convinced that after I left my room my toys magically came to life and went about their much so that I'd always leave my door open a crack and pretend to walk away, by standing in the one spot and stamping my feet, getting softer and softer as I "walked away"....

I was also convinced that animals could talk, but you had to be a princess in order to hear them, and that if the evil villain dies, like the witch in Snow White, then it was perfectly fine and the prince/man who just murdered them had no regrets what so ever, just as long as they kept their evil powers away from his lady!

Ahh. The innocence of childhood....the ignorance of adolescents :D

Current Annoyance of the week-
The fact that my school shoes broke. The Bottoms of them came off, and the black leathery stuff around the ends of them, near my toes started to peel off and when I walked it looked like Groucho Marx in shoe form.
My dad proceeded to super glue them back together,but I somehow managed to break them within a in art class decided to tape them up...and so have now been going around school with my shoes taped up at the ends...with dirt and rocks and small children getting stuck in the exposed sticky bits :D

Well. I think that is all for now Soul Daddies and Groove Mamas.

Until next time!

