Tuesday, October 20, 2009

We cant stop here, this is bat country!

Cool Beans?
yeah, cool beans.

I'm obviously now a drunk.
I dare-say its been 3 months, has it not? I know this is a long time, but I have been out and about with a twist and a shout. I'm back now to write another post, and with it, I bring goodies :D
This may be a rather long blog post, I could make it into an epic saga like Star Wars, but I fear it wont be as successful and interesting as aliens in space what with the explosions and space ships and duels with light up staffs. 
Right. Lets start at the beginning and when I get to the end, I shall stop.
I'M 18 NOW! I celebrated by stuffing my face with every bit of Mexican food I could obtain at the Mexican restaurant we went to for dinner, and the weekend of the my birthday we went to Muswellbrook and my cousins Madd and Todd took me out to the pub, where my mum found some lonely, random bogan called Kevin and thought she'd be a good samaritan and dump him on me and my friends so that he could join in the fun. Turns out Kevin was a freak who wouldnt go away. Thankyou mum, but I think Kevin was being avoided in the first place for a very good reason by some very wise people.
 I turned so on the 9.9.09, a rather splendiferous day for many reasons:
- It was my 18th
- It was the day The Beatles remastered CDs came out, as well as The Beatles rock band
- It was the last day that I ever had to worry about my major works, as on my birthday I had to perform my HSC drama monologue. To say the least, I was pooing myself, but I pulled through OK and seemed to entertain the markers and audience. So I was happy. Prior to this day however, I was STRESSED to the MAX! I had 3 major works due in 3 days: Art was due on the monday, drama group performance was due on the tuesday and monologues were on the Wednesday. I stayed up all night sunday night to finish off my art major work, which turned out splendidly and can be found on your left and right, if you'll just shift your eyes thusly. 


As you may have guessed.. I like The Beatles :P
Next on the agenda is my 18th birthday party. Oh, what a night. I think it is safe to say that it was the best night of my life, so much well mannered frivolity was partaken in and so many laughs were had. The theme was rock and roll, we hired an old school jukebox, and I had it playing the whole time I was cleaning the house, pretending I was Angus Young while mopping the floor, spreading much more water around the place then needed. It looked like the aftermath of a flood after I was done with it. 
Everyone who came, came dressed up and looked just smashing, and almost every person who came to my party ran into the front screen door because its black mesh and looked invisible in the dark. I highly enjoyed lying in wait just to see who was the next innocent victim of THE SCREEN DOOR!

I'm not going to mix words. I got smashed that night, and it was the first time I'd done so.It was  apparently such a hoot that I was drunkenly walking around the party giggling to myself over nothing in particular.. perhaps I thought I was fooling everyone into thinking I was sober, thinking to myself "They have NO idea how drunk I am. So drunk that I feel as if I've just been spun around a few hundred times and am now expected to somehow pin the tale on the donkey....I am the master of deception.."

When the party ended, I had the people who came down from Muswellbrook stay at my house, and when I say sleep, I really mean stay up all night trying to do a ouija board, walking around the streets and paddocks, down to the bridge and getting freaked out in the dark, walking to a servo up the road at 3 in the morning to get some pies when none of us had money, but that didnt matter as the servo was closed, and then going back to my house and reheating almost everything in the 
(Might I add that my friend Billie was dressed as Tina Turner throughout the night, and wore very high heels throughout all those escapades around the street.. He is someone for women to look up to and admire for his feet of iron.)
Who needs sleep when you can watch one of your best friends trot around the dark streets at 3am?

On a related note- My mums also 18 too.
Forever young, eh mum? 
To top of that brill weekend, the very next day(saturday) after one hours sleep, I then had to drive to Muswellbrook for my friends Jarrod and Jesses combined 18th. That night I didnt get any sleep, so for that weekend, my combined hours sleep from friday until sunday was 4 hours. I think the copious amounts of alcohol and no hangovers helped me through it. Bless them :P
For me, September goes down in the history books for being the month of parties. I had one every single weekend of september, that, or I was going out in town. It was the September to remember. 
I, Brooke Munce, now have a boyfriend. My best friend Jarrod(who's born one day before me)  and I are now an item, much like a carton of milk or a packet of rice. Its only been a short while, but updates will be posted here. For now, reports can confirm that I'm happy. :D
*Current annoyance of the week*
People stressing themselves over exams. The HSC is upon us, and I'm seeing people around me crumble like a flake in a maccas 30 cent cone. I dont understand why people get so stressed. It does not compute. I've seen people trying to memorize whole essays, all the while trembling and making noises of distress you'd expect from a lady giving birth. Not someone writing an essay on The Crucible. Am I to lax in my ways of thinking, or is everyone else just to stressed. Is there a happy medium we can all reach without our heads all exploding?
Lets hope so chaps.
*Current love of the week*
Its like God makes every sandwich himself and serves it to you with a smile and a thumbs up. They.Have.Amazing.Subs. 
Sure. I know its nothing more then salad on a bun with some meat. BUT! You try and make some subway on your own at home. You cant do it. You just cant. The people who prepare your subs really are sandwich artists. Their the Leonardo Da Vinci's of the sandwich world. So, i tip my hat to you good sirs and Madams of the Subway world.
My choice of subs? Why that would be a foot long roasted chicken on white bread with old english cheese, carrot,lettuce,tomato,onion and tomato sauce sir! That right there ladies and gents, is what heaven tastes like. 

With that, I think I've said all I need to for now, theres alot here to contemplate, and I expect you to do so. I shall keep you posted with any new updates, thoughts, lame jokes or cool videos I find and feel I need to share with the whole 5 people who read my blog :) Without you I'd just look like a nutter talking to no one on the internet.
Until we next meet,
Too ra!


Unknown said...

Yeah, I freely admit I walked into your screen door Brooke it and my nose almost became an 'item'. Oh thats wierd...Anyways at the ends of the ordeal I thought I would need a nose job, that of Michael Jackson's but no, I didn't.
Ha it was such a good night, despite such talk of Muswellbrookians and paedephilia. Not to worry, a splendid time was had by all. Brooke, I hope we always keep in contatct after HSC as you're on of my best friends and one of the most amazing peeps I know. Love your muppet sounding friend, Alicia. xxoo

Archie ;D said...

YES! its like an addiction... i need more! *shakes in corner of room*
i mean... was a good read.... *shifty eyes*

Anonymous said...

get your butt up to the goldie to have some fun with your drunken cousin!!!!! miss you kid xox

Anonymous said...

Well Brooke it's good to see some musing from you again. things must be getting back to normal, if thats possible, being normal I mean, Good to hear you enjoyed the partyingthat's the way to go at 18. Will talk again, LOve you Far.