Thursday, December 11, 2008

I live in a giant bucket.

Dwight Schrute:I saw Wedding Crashers, accidentally. I bought a ticket for Grizzly Man and went into the wrong theatre. After an hour I figured I was in the wrong theatre but I kept waiting. That's the thing about bear attacks, they come when you least expect it.

 Wellity Wellity!

I find myself back here again, after a rather long departure I must say. Terribly sorry about that readers but I was trapped in the great assessment avalanche of 2008.

But now that I'm in year 12 I've found that over night mt homework seems to have gained an extra 1000 meters and climbing to the top is damned near impossible. For one thing my pens keep running out, and my folder is getting harder and harder to close because of the large wad of paper inside of it growing ever steadily thicker.

I need to employ a helper monkey.

So, what has miss Walcott been up to you ask dear children?
Well. Alot it seems!
Where to begin....

For one thing, me and Lewis had out first date. It was brill ace! :D He didnt turn up on a flying carpet sadly...but i kept my disappointment hidden well..i gave him a mass stink eye session which I passed off for me squinting because of the sun :D
We sat in the park for 3 hours talking and dodging the evil family throwing a boomerang around... narrowly missing us by meters...and talked about life..and the fact that one curious bug chose to crawl up under my skirt and up my leg....

I also went to a rather fun was bible themed, and me and my chum Kathleen decided to go as lads :D

I must say, if there was a prize for best dressed, me and Kath would have won and done the glory lap.Our home made foundation beards were a crowd favourite, and more manly then many of the boys natural grown beards :D Jealousy was high that night. 

I look more like a confused 1970's free loader who's stockings got caught in a bramble bush.

This week on the busasode-
There is a dude who gets on my bus, and I swear he thinks no one else can see him, because he freely stares at you, even though your staring straight back at him, thinking in your head "is he gunna realise I'm not looking through him, but looking at him?"
No. He didnt. 
This same dude then later in the trip then started to pick his nose..but not even in a inconspicuous way, for eg, using the pinky finger, but he actually just dived in and started mining for gold. Now, when you see a small child full on going at his nose like a coal miner, you can usually be grossed out but still excuse him... but when a full grown man in his late 20's early 30's does this, the gross factor/gag reflex alert starts going off and you question the credibility of the situation. Certain questions come to mind- "is he for real? When will it end?! How many boogers does he have stashed up there? Are his diggings some kind of natural resource commissioned by the government giving him some sort of right to freely go on an expedition in public?"
To make things worse, every time he'd bring a load out on his finger, he'd examine it, I suspect to judge the weight and value of it, then wipe it on his bus pass, resulting in sort of a loading dock for his boogers, out in the open for the rest of the over crowded bus to see. This went on for I'm guessing at least 5-7 minutes, until he'd excavated enough area and deemed the site and clean, and ready for rejuvenation. 

I'm guessing the whole time I was watching him my face looked like a mixture of this- :| :O
and after, his face looked like this- :)..he was content. 
Well I'm glad he was happy cause the rest of the bus then spent the remainder of the trip eyeing him apprehensively waiting for the next act of freakiness to occur.
All the while he still thinks he's cleverly invisible and that none of the other 30 passengers just saw anything.

Then, yesterday a man on the bus tapped me on the shoulder,took in a big breath and started a long tangent of maths equations..well I'm guessing they were maths equations cause he was speaking so fast I had no idea what the flip he was talking about, all I know is the whole time he was reciting his mumblings to me he didn't blink, and kept pointing in my face... I just turned around and was luckily getting off at the next stop.
I swear, all the freaks on the bus think its perfectly ok to strike up a conversation with you, even though your obviously not listening. i.e you've got your ipod in, or your sitting 3 seats in front of them and their shouting the conversation at you.

On another note, I have realised that I really very much dislike religion. I must say that its caused pretty much every problem we have in the world,and really, is a very boring and monotonous subject at school. I., personally, if I had to classify myself under a certain category, would call myself a Spiritualist. Meaning, I  believe in a higher power, life after death, the existence of spirits.

You may say, "Brooke, you believe in spirits? Their not even real! Get yourself to church and start praying to God and Jesus who live up above in a cloudy kingdom."
Well. Let me ask you Mr. Enquirer, do we have proof God is real? No. So whats so wrong with me believing in something that may or may not exist.. and really, has more scientific proof then God almighty does.
My 17 year old opinion. I'd rather believe in the power of my own self, and that the actions and thoughts of myself give meaning and purpose to life, not Gods love, as we've been told in class.


Other then that, this week I bring you my current burning passion, and it happens to be the wondiferous, brill and inspiring Tim Burton
His amazing and beautiful stop motion animation films, short films, normal films and imaginative characters have captivated me for some time now, and I am just in love with his art style, ideas and concept of the world and how he can appropriate it.
3 of my favourite Tim Burton works would have to be:
1. His 1982 short film vincent- 

2.1990 film Edward Scissorhands- because of Tim's brilliant ability to make take isolation and self discovery and make them into the character of Edward, who, with his Scissorhands, is always unable to make contact with the world, because he will ultimately destroy it.

3. 1993 film The Nightmare before christmas- because of the breakthrough it made to stop motion animation,and the amazing characters and concept, setting and emotion within the film.

Ironically I've been told I resemble a female Edward Scissorhands mixed in with Sweeney Todd.. I think its the pale skin and hair that does it.....It may also be the fact that I have scissors for hands which I utilise by giving men close shaves and slitting their throats halfway through.... 

I also went and saw TWILIGHT yesterday on the premier day, and I must say, I flippin LOVED it! I love the book series, and the film was almost as good, but defiantly an amazing experience. We all screamed when the lights went down and the opening scene started. I laughed, cried, swooned and clapped like a maniac at the end when the credits started roll.
I highly recommend it, if not for the story, at least for the achievement of what a small $30 millionfilm directed by one woman it is. :D Brilliant. It has a cast of relatively unknown actors which is grand because it showcases the fresh talent in Hollywood today.
4/5 stars.

Well. Having said all I think I need to, I shall retire.

For now!
But I shall be back before christmas to do a christmas wishes blog.

Well, Later gators!
have a brill ace evening.
