Thursday, December 11, 2008

I live in a giant bucket.

Dwight Schrute:I saw Wedding Crashers, accidentally. I bought a ticket for Grizzly Man and went into the wrong theatre. After an hour I figured I was in the wrong theatre but I kept waiting. That's the thing about bear attacks, they come when you least expect it.

 Wellity Wellity!

I find myself back here again, after a rather long departure I must say. Terribly sorry about that readers but I was trapped in the great assessment avalanche of 2008.

But now that I'm in year 12 I've found that over night mt homework seems to have gained an extra 1000 meters and climbing to the top is damned near impossible. For one thing my pens keep running out, and my folder is getting harder and harder to close because of the large wad of paper inside of it growing ever steadily thicker.

I need to employ a helper monkey.

So, what has miss Walcott been up to you ask dear children?
Well. Alot it seems!
Where to begin....

For one thing, me and Lewis had out first date. It was brill ace! :D He didnt turn up on a flying carpet sadly...but i kept my disappointment hidden well..i gave him a mass stink eye session which I passed off for me squinting because of the sun :D
We sat in the park for 3 hours talking and dodging the evil family throwing a boomerang around... narrowly missing us by meters...and talked about life..and the fact that one curious bug chose to crawl up under my skirt and up my leg....

I also went to a rather fun was bible themed, and me and my chum Kathleen decided to go as lads :D

I must say, if there was a prize for best dressed, me and Kath would have won and done the glory lap.Our home made foundation beards were a crowd favourite, and more manly then many of the boys natural grown beards :D Jealousy was high that night. 

I look more like a confused 1970's free loader who's stockings got caught in a bramble bush.

This week on the busasode-
There is a dude who gets on my bus, and I swear he thinks no one else can see him, because he freely stares at you, even though your staring straight back at him, thinking in your head "is he gunna realise I'm not looking through him, but looking at him?"
No. He didnt. 
This same dude then later in the trip then started to pick his nose..but not even in a inconspicuous way, for eg, using the pinky finger, but he actually just dived in and started mining for gold. Now, when you see a small child full on going at his nose like a coal miner, you can usually be grossed out but still excuse him... but when a full grown man in his late 20's early 30's does this, the gross factor/gag reflex alert starts going off and you question the credibility of the situation. Certain questions come to mind- "is he for real? When will it end?! How many boogers does he have stashed up there? Are his diggings some kind of natural resource commissioned by the government giving him some sort of right to freely go on an expedition in public?"
To make things worse, every time he'd bring a load out on his finger, he'd examine it, I suspect to judge the weight and value of it, then wipe it on his bus pass, resulting in sort of a loading dock for his boogers, out in the open for the rest of the over crowded bus to see. This went on for I'm guessing at least 5-7 minutes, until he'd excavated enough area and deemed the site and clean, and ready for rejuvenation. 

I'm guessing the whole time I was watching him my face looked like a mixture of this- :| :O
and after, his face looked like this- :)..he was content. 
Well I'm glad he was happy cause the rest of the bus then spent the remainder of the trip eyeing him apprehensively waiting for the next act of freakiness to occur.
All the while he still thinks he's cleverly invisible and that none of the other 30 passengers just saw anything.

Then, yesterday a man on the bus tapped me on the shoulder,took in a big breath and started a long tangent of maths equations..well I'm guessing they were maths equations cause he was speaking so fast I had no idea what the flip he was talking about, all I know is the whole time he was reciting his mumblings to me he didn't blink, and kept pointing in my face... I just turned around and was luckily getting off at the next stop.
I swear, all the freaks on the bus think its perfectly ok to strike up a conversation with you, even though your obviously not listening. i.e you've got your ipod in, or your sitting 3 seats in front of them and their shouting the conversation at you.

On another note, I have realised that I really very much dislike religion. I must say that its caused pretty much every problem we have in the world,and really, is a very boring and monotonous subject at school. I., personally, if I had to classify myself under a certain category, would call myself a Spiritualist. Meaning, I  believe in a higher power, life after death, the existence of spirits.

You may say, "Brooke, you believe in spirits? Their not even real! Get yourself to church and start praying to God and Jesus who live up above in a cloudy kingdom."
Well. Let me ask you Mr. Enquirer, do we have proof God is real? No. So whats so wrong with me believing in something that may or may not exist.. and really, has more scientific proof then God almighty does.
My 17 year old opinion. I'd rather believe in the power of my own self, and that the actions and thoughts of myself give meaning and purpose to life, not Gods love, as we've been told in class.


Other then that, this week I bring you my current burning passion, and it happens to be the wondiferous, brill and inspiring Tim Burton
His amazing and beautiful stop motion animation films, short films, normal films and imaginative characters have captivated me for some time now, and I am just in love with his art style, ideas and concept of the world and how he can appropriate it.
3 of my favourite Tim Burton works would have to be:
1. His 1982 short film vincent- 

2.1990 film Edward Scissorhands- because of Tim's brilliant ability to make take isolation and self discovery and make them into the character of Edward, who, with his Scissorhands, is always unable to make contact with the world, because he will ultimately destroy it.

3. 1993 film The Nightmare before christmas- because of the breakthrough it made to stop motion animation,and the amazing characters and concept, setting and emotion within the film.

Ironically I've been told I resemble a female Edward Scissorhands mixed in with Sweeney Todd.. I think its the pale skin and hair that does it.....It may also be the fact that I have scissors for hands which I utilise by giving men close shaves and slitting their throats halfway through.... 

I also went and saw TWILIGHT yesterday on the premier day, and I must say, I flippin LOVED it! I love the book series, and the film was almost as good, but defiantly an amazing experience. We all screamed when the lights went down and the opening scene started. I laughed, cried, swooned and clapped like a maniac at the end when the credits started roll.
I highly recommend it, if not for the story, at least for the achievement of what a small $30 millionfilm directed by one woman it is. :D Brilliant. It has a cast of relatively unknown actors which is grand because it showcases the fresh talent in Hollywood today.
4/5 stars.

Well. Having said all I think I need to, I shall retire.

For now!
But I shall be back before christmas to do a christmas wishes blog.

Well, Later gators!
have a brill ace evening.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Ello Poppits :D

Well! It seems that Buddha's up there saying "go Brooke go!" cause lately I've been going!

First update is that my crush on the Marcus lad lasted all of 3 weeks. After spending 4 periods a week drooling all over my english work with a glazed expression on my face perving on Marcus, I realised enough was enough...and that all my writing had run together and made it damned near impossible to decipher the notes I'd taken during the lesson.

Note to self- when checking out boys in class,be sure to have work securely encased in plastic sleeves, and wear a raincoat..trying to explain why the front of your shirt is damp is quite tricky.

Brooke out and about!
About 3 weeks ago I embarked on an art excursion to sculptures by the sea in Sydney. It was a wonderful day full of squeezing through small pathways crammed full of countless Chinese, Indian and Americans. May I ask, why do people suddenly become totally incompetent when in a crowd? For some reason people think its perfectly fine to stop right in the middle of the path. blocking the way of the thousands of other people trying to make their way up the path to see artworks they pretend they understand but on the inside are thinking " I dont get it...3 iron bars twisted into the formation of a pretzel...why is that? Is it a metaphorical statement that the Sydney has bad pretzels? Make a mental note not to buy Sydney baked goods..."

There was some amazing art works though, and I also learnt that the local Bondi Mcdonalds is home to the pigeons who roam the street outside,and that Bondi Beach is home to at least 2 bums and a man who looks like he's jiving as he's crossing the street in incredibly short blue hot pants.

Another good thing from the art excursion was that I met Lewis, a boy who does art in my year at school who added me on myspace the day after the excursion. Needless to say we got on like a house on fire,minus the burning bodies and loss of all personal possessions. I soon came to realise that this young chap has developed what those in know would call a "crush".

Hallelujah! The droughts broken. Finally someone saw through the mass of half naked orange, blonde haired zombies and saw me in the corner sketching away in my art diary and singing along rather loudly to Hey Jude by The Beatles...considering myself to be lyrically on par with Paul McCartney.... I'm guessing those listening would beg to differ.

But Lewis is a swell lad who I'm very glad to be friends with...maybe something more in the future,who knows! We'll see where this journey leads me. :D

For a while I have been interested in graffiti..not actually performing the act of graffiti..I dont possess the stamina to out run the fuzz  or the craft to step back and be proud of the work, but admiring it... and mainly admiring the work of a British graffiti artist Banksy. His work is amazing and sends wonderful political and social messages, and has remained a mystery as to who he is or what he looks like...his art is identity enough. I fully salute Banksy and his skillful,provocative and powerful work.

His website is-

What else is there to report in my life at the present stage?

OH! On one of my horrid  bus trips, a seedy looking guy in his mid to late 20's turned around to face me the other day and announce that he "has a really sore shoulder" and would I mind "giving him a back rub?"

Er,no. I dont think any person in their right mind would give you a back rub mate,not even in a hazmat suit with 2 pitbulls waiting at the ready to pounce and kill what ever bacteria evolved creature emerges from under your beanie or fingernails. 

Did he really think I'd oblige and say-"why yes. Yes I think I could spare a few minutes and pamper you and your sore shoulder. Let me just get out the oil and whack the  'ocean breeze and whale calls' CD into the CD player to calm you down and ease the tension."

Current excitement of the week-
Having the Obama Pajama Banana party with my best friends Maddie and Billie on friday. Yes, we're not American, but to commemorate the event, we thought we'd celebrate with a movie marathon watching movies that have African American leading roles. While wearing pajamas. And eating bananas..the fruit and the lolly kind.

Also looking forward to my first ever date. :D Lewis has asked me out on a date, and I said yes. Only problem is..I've never been on one before... therefor are a little anxious as to what goes on whilst on a date...I'm beginning to think anything could happen... for some reason my image of a first date goes along the lines of Aladdin and Jasmin's first date in the Disney movie Aladdin. So, if Lewis doesn't show up in a turban,riding a flying carpet that takes us to places such as Egypt and China, or flying along disturbing a flock of flamingo's then I'm going to be severely disappointed.

Disney set me up with alot of ideals and expectations when I was little...Take the movie Toy Story.For a while I was convinced that after I left my room my toys magically came to life and went about their much so that I'd always leave my door open a crack and pretend to walk away, by standing in the one spot and stamping my feet, getting softer and softer as I "walked away"....

I was also convinced that animals could talk, but you had to be a princess in order to hear them, and that if the evil villain dies, like the witch in Snow White, then it was perfectly fine and the prince/man who just murdered them had no regrets what so ever, just as long as they kept their evil powers away from his lady!

Ahh. The innocence of childhood....the ignorance of adolescents :D

Current Annoyance of the week-
The fact that my school shoes broke. The Bottoms of them came off, and the black leathery stuff around the ends of them, near my toes started to peel off and when I walked it looked like Groucho Marx in shoe form.
My dad proceeded to super glue them back together,but I somehow managed to break them within a in art class decided to tape them up...and so have now been going around school with my shoes taped up at the ends...with dirt and rocks and small children getting stuck in the exposed sticky bits :D

Well. I think that is all for now Soul Daddies and Groove Mamas.

Until next time!



Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What's a girl to do?


I'm back with another blog, and  have decided on a very important matter.
While watching Bridget Jones's diary, I found myself having an revelation. I realised I myself am very similar to miss Jones, and should try my hand at talking about my own problems and bad habits in a teenagers version of a diary- a blog :D

So. Lets go shall we?
First week of year 12 over and done with. Started out as normal- Me awaking at 6.30 am only to continually press the snooze button until 7 am trying to delay the inevitable moment of waking up. Even when sleeping I'm procrastinating...

I catch public transport to and from school, a burden bestowed upon me from some horrible deed I committed in a past life I'm sure. I liken riding the bus to the experience of being trapped inside of a schizophrenic persons mind. You get on and are instantly presented with 30 different people all with their own story that they will,eventually, tell you while they've got you boxed in and trapped up against the window side of the seat. I've sat next to all walks of life, stoners who think they need to point out the wonderful patterns in the bus seats, alcoholics who secretly sip beer out of what they think is a cleverly disguised beer bottle in a brown paper bag, and a particularly large woman who always smells like urine and likes to lean over you and look at what songs your listening to on your ipod or what your writing in your text message:

"hey man, there appears to be a rather large woman who smells like a urinal leaning over me reading what I'm texting, thinking she's being so James Bond in her sneaky ways. Hello! I can see you!! :D"

And then there's him. The gorgeous, mysterious and funny Marcus. The boy I've thought was quite a nice bit of crumpet since my first day at my new school this year. With his long, brown,shoulder length hair, heavy set brow, dark eyes, pierced ears and exceptional talents on the bass, he gives off the illusion of an incredibly good looking rock'n'roll pirate. I spend most of my time sitting on the bus listening to soppy love songs and peeking at him from the corner of my eye trying to make that critical eye contact, only to shyly look away. :)

I doubt he spends his time doing the same to me. Though I find it hard to believe that no one notices me sitting there positively blinding people with the sun reflecting off my marble white skin :D

First period of the day- religion. Great. Back to reality. Back to a catholic school where religion is compulsory and no one gives a hoot. I get it already. God is great, and we're all in a massive debt to his inextricable love. Now,if you'll excuse me, I have better things to do then worry about what never actually happened 2000 odd years ago when Jesus roamed the earth.
Like that fact that I'm in year 12 now and will actually have to put in a 100% in everything I do, and will more then likely drive myself insane with the amount of art works,sewing and performances I'll have to in order to finish school..... and that fact that I look like a vampire and should be found dwelling in dark corners of brick castles sipping blood out of an extra large cup,cursing farmers for continuing to grow onions and being deathly afraid of getting large splinters driven into my chest.

I dont even need a costume for Halloween. And I always win best dressed :D.

*current annoyance of the week*- Chain emails about love. Who ever sends them should really be shot because they only ever make the people in relationships feel better, while the rest of us are left feeling alone and sad, wondering "when is it my turn?". Thats the big question on my lips at the present moment. When is it my turn to have a guy scoping me out and observing me from across the room in english like I do to Marcus? Because really, unless your willing to dye your hair a horrible platinum blonde,fake tan yourself to a complexion close to that of a pumpkin and flit around in the tiniest skirt known to man( and trust me, man would know how tiny the tiniest skirt is) then there's little or no chance of being seen. Especially if your idea of a good time is antiquing and op-shopping instead of spending hours in a tiny bikini and oversized glasses down on the beach checking out the surfies catching some gnarly waves. Chances are if I stepped onto the beach in a bikini they'd give Ghostbusters a call warning of a rogue ghost terrorizing beach goers with indecent exposer. Probably the wrong way to gain attention and attract guys.

At the end of the day though, I'll be happy in snagging a guy more in my radar.. a skater/emo-ish/band guy with longish dark hair and a rad sense of humor that doesn't revolve around using swear words and bad impressions of psycho ex-girlfriends.

So,this year I am putting myself on a quest to find love. This could be a potentially disastrous and epically hilarious quest. 
I'm going to need an up-beat song to be my theme song throughout this....I'm going with Taper Jean Girl by Kings Of Leon.


With that, I'll leave you with a few lines of my life's theme song- Pork and Beans by Weezer:
"I'mma do the things
That I wanna do
I ain't got a thing
To prove to you
I'll eat my candy
With the pork and beans
Excuse my manners
If I make a scene
I ain't gonna wear
The clothes that you like
I'm finally dandy
With the me inside
One look in the mirror
And I'm tickled pink
I don't give a hoot
About what you think"

OH! And A big shout out to Steve my Tennessee mate!

Also, I found out that Chuck Norris is actually just a middle aged pasty man with with ranga hair and a beard to match....

Later Chaps!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

"I get by with a little help from my friends"- The Beatles

"I get by with a little help from my friends,
I'm gonna try with a little help from my friends
I get high with a little help from my friends
Yes I get by with a little help from my friends,
with a little help from my friends"

The Beatles were onto something there. Seems I've learnt alot from the Beatles since I started to listen to them religiously. 

The past few weeks have had me thinking about friendship. The thing I've had the hardest time dealing with in this whole moving jazz is missing my Muswellbrook friends. That group of people- Maddie,Eddie,Manda,Lucy,Ben,Ryno, and Kate especially are the most unique,random,caring and funny people on the planet. The universe probably. I love them so much, and we've shared the best years if my life together. I could say we've had the best of times. We've had the worst of times. And I've loved each second of it.

On the other hand too,I've got my Newcastle friends. I love them,they've been nothing but supportive and welcoming,kind and friendly and alot of fun! But I'm constantly reminded of the fact that their not my Muswellbrook chums, and it makes me miss them all even more.I guess this group just doesn't have the same spirit that the Muswellbrook group did,and I was selfish in expecting that they would,and being disappointed when they didn't.. they have their own spirit that is uniquely them.. just not uniquely me. 

I've summed it up in this useful analogy :D-

Finding new friends in Newcastle is like buying a new pair of shoes after spending years wearing the same pair of shoes which are now worn out and full of holes,but which you dont want to give up because of the comfortableness of them. When you find this new beaut pair of shoes, their clean and new,ready to be worn in. At first they fit great,but then you start to get blisters, and their always there reminding you that these shoes are literally rubbing you the wrong way, and are a constant reminder of your longing for the well worn familiarity of your old shoes. These new shoes may look good,but they fit so strange. Even after 8 months of wearing them around,their still brand new,and you haven't even made a foot groove yet.
You long for your old shoes, with their scuff marks,worn out and holey soles and familiar foot groove which you find so easy slipping back into and being able to walk tall and proud without the burning blisters.
Sure,the blisters may disappear after a while, but the new shoes are still gunna remain clean and new,because you haven't worn them down the same dusty roads that your old shoes traveled. You didn't wear your new shoes when you had to walk through the tough mud and puddles, and you didn't wear your new shoes when the sun was shining and the grass was long. 
All that was done in your old shoes, and they serve as the reminder and souvenir of the journey, and all you saw and did along the way.

I do feel blessed though, having these 2 types of shoes to walk my life in. Each pair of shoes will take me in a different direction,present me with different situations and people. While in my old pair of shoes, I'll be living the good old days, marching to beat created by kindred spirits, in the band of misfits having the most fun in life and laughing into hysteria, throwing our cares to the wind and lending a helping hand.

In my new shoes,I'm presented with a whole new world , a world in which I'm not entirely sure I'm ready to face,and one in which I know I'm going to be walking alone at times, buying lots of new pairs of shoes and adding them to the shoe rack of life. Each pair will tell a new story and remind me of a journey,but I think I'm always going to feel most comfortable in the pair of shoes I used to walk the past 2 years.

The thing I miss most about my friends though, is watching them learn and grow. The thing I enjoyed the most was witnessing my friends overcome things, learning new things, achieving new things and experiencing things together. To think that I've missed out on 10 months of them growing as people, forming new relationships and "in" jokes that I'll never be a part of or never get to witness happening makes me so sad, because these little things are life's miracles, like watching a baby learn and grow. Towards the end of the year I made mental notes about my friends so that after I was gone,I'd still have the mental image of the group. 

I can still remember the way Maddies eyes would go really wide and her mouth would pucker when she was being sarcastic or reenacting something,or the way she'd always arrange her fingers to play the chords of the guitar that were playing in the song. The way when Eddie laughed, you'd be able to see the dimples in her cheeks, and her eyes would smile along with her mouth.Eddie always had the most interesting lunches and running style...similar to what a gay penguin would like when it ran haha I loved it.One thing I'll never forget is Lucy's MASSIVE happy smile,which was like watching the sun break over the ocean,and the way she'd have a little squeal in her laughter when she really got the giggles. I'll also never forget the awe I'd feel watching her create a masterpiece in art.Who could ever forget the way Manda is always looking out for everyone else. Each morning you'd be greeted by a great big hug from Manda,the occasional bum tap haha and dashing smile that always reassured you she'd always be there to help you. Ben,well Ben had a knack for taking the most mundane things and making them hilarious. Like the hole in my bag. Enough said. Ben was like the brother in the group,he was always mucking around and pushing everyones limits,but during a D&M at his birthday party last year, I learnt a whole new depth to him and gained alot more respect for him. Ryno was like the mystery box of the group,you never knew what he'd say next,but when he did say it, it came out with a force that knocked everyone off their feet with laughter. Last year I was also lucky enough to witness Ryan coming out of his shell and blossoming into the wonderful,funny and ever interesting person that he is. Shelby was the megaphone of the group who had the loudest voice and the biggest heart. I never failed to notice her willingness to help others and that she never expected anything in return. I've grown to respect her. Then theres little miss Kate! Kate always reminded me of a muppet with her big eyes and kooky personality. She always spoke in the softest of tones,except for when she completely went all out and exploded with a joke or a laugh,and was always polite.

These people made my life what it was, and what it is.
I got by with a little help from my friends.
I tried with a little help from my friends.
I got high(on life) with a little help from my friends.
Yes, I get by with a little help from my friends.

Ryans Birthday

School Fun
School Fun

Singleton Trip

School Fun

Rocky Horror Night

My Costume party

Thursday, August 21, 2008

"Dont dream it. BE it"- Dr Frank-N-Furter, Rocky Horror Picture Show.

As my earlier post suggests, I am a poet. I wasn't just saying so to sound all mysterious and jazzy. Though my poems sometimes are a little offbeat and roughly flowing, thats just my style :D
So,this first poem, the first of many, is one of my most recent ones. I wrote it a few months back while recovering from a boy. Enough said haha.But heartbreak and teen angst always go down well in poem form. I dont show many people my poems, and at the advice and encouragement of my mum and dad, I'm finally sharing them with everyone :)
And dont worry,their not all about boys and how I think their cake sniffers. ( this lingo, "cake sniffers" is just a little catch phrase I've been calling people,and my self at times. Havent decided what it means..but I did take it from a Lemony Snicket who knows what it could mean :D) I have got a mix of poems.
so heres the first of many for you folks :D
He used to sit with me and smile
I was on his mind
but the boys a liar,has been for a while
he's a scratched vinyl record
been playing now for far to long
I'm sick of chorus,wanna change the song
a magician by trade,and knows his stuff
wowed the crowd for so long
but this assistant caught your bluff
I used to look good in your rolling stones shirt
sitting next to you being a flirt
the whisper of words to the girls before me
to young and nieve to really see
do you feel big now,does it feel good
carving my name into the wood?
your a broken toy soldier 
with a stolen uniform
spare me your war stories 
I'm trying to repair whats been torn
I've seen you with her
you suddenly slipped away
gone like the sun from the evening moon
to fill sunshine into another girls day
I've seen the record begin to play again
my heart remembers the beat
and the blinding pain
does she remind you of me?
am I ever on your mind?
did it ever matter?
or are you used to being blind?
my perfume stained your stones shirt
a lingering ghost of the girl who's gone
one who's soul is ripped and burnt
does she hld your hand?
is her skin as smooth?
does she understand
or will you bleed her too?
right now your together
a seed planted in the dirt
off i go on the road of life
I bet she looks good in your rolling stones shirt.
This photo of my artwork compliments the poem. I drew it at a time when I felt the worst about the situation. Just a quick rough drawing :D

I'm off chaps! Thankyou ever so for reading!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Edge Of Seventeen.

Well it appears that my first blog was something of a success and people seem to enjoy my musings :D
I might not get to write many blogs in the next month or so, the dreaded and evil yearly exams are almost upon me! And I fear for my life.
Also, my birthday is coming up! September 9th everyone,put that one in your planners, IPhones and calenders. :D
Let me tell you now, the past 4 birthdays I've had,have left much to be desired. Lets take a trip down memory lane and revisit why I look at those birthdays with a strong dislike :D
2005- When I was in year 8, my school held an event called the walkathon. It just had to be my luck that got me stuck with having to walk 20kms on my birthday, while being forced to wear pink as that was the theme for the walkathon, and have to carry around all the gifts my friends gave me.
Basically, God decided to give me the present he knew I would "love" most. Having to exercise to the point of wearing my feet down to bloody stubs, being forced to wear the colour pink and having to carry about 4 bags of gifts.  Happy birthday to me!
2006- Then, when I was in year 9, I was all looking forward to my 15th birthday! I had my party all planned and was mega excited! And then,tragedy struck as on september 7th, I was cut down in the prime of birthday excitement with the flu, the first time I've ever been sick. It hit like lightening,one minute I had a sore throat,then 5 hours I was passed out in bed,where I stayed for the next 6 days. To make matters worse,on the night of september 8th, some of my friends had arranged to go to the circus. THE FREAKING CIRCUS PEOPLE! The first time the circus had come to town in about 10 years,and I had to ring them and cancel. *insert angry face* Woke up on my birthday,sick as a dog,opened my presents, felt like I was going to faint from being out of bed,went back and thats where I stayed. I thought to myself- "come on Brooke! You can do it love! get better in time for your birthday tommorie!". But no dear children. My mental pep talk was nothing in comparison to the power of the deadly flu! Mum had to call all my friends and tell the party was off. I didn't get that party until 2 months later in November. Happy Birthday to me!
2007- This birthday was probably the worst I've ever had. On this day, I woke up,and before Happy Birthday was even said to me, the words I had been dreading since the moment my parents announced that we were moving were spoken- "WE SOLD THE HOUSE".
All day, I sat around moping feeling so upset and angry at everyone that I didn't even stay with my family for birthday cake. I've never felt so sad in my entire life. Cue BIG fight with my parents over my rude behavior and gifts given(which I didn't end up receiving until the end of september) Happy Birthday to me!
2008- Now, dear children, we come to present day, and as I receive my exam timetable for this term, I find that I have to sit through a dreaded religion exam. Not as much as a harsh deal as other birthdays have been.. but still. If I was going to sit through an exam on my 17th birthday, I'd rather sit through art or drama. :D Happy Birthday to me! 
Lets all hope my string of Bad birthday luck breaks next year for my big 18th! Which I might add, falls on the 9.9.09 
I'm so special :D

I'm off chaps, and thankyou ever so for reading :D

Friday, August 15, 2008

It's showtime!- Betelgeuse

After seeing many other blogs of this nature, I decided to gain one myself.
How many people will find the musings of a soon to be 17 year old particularly fascinating?

I'll soon find out.

My mind is an ever spinning wheel constantly gathering new information that i ponder over right before I retire to sleep.

I'm a poet and an artist. "you cut me, I bleed ink"- Howard Moon.

I tried reading a teenage magazine once. It gave me a panic attack. It's a high-fashion skinny nightmare. 

The power of the written word is an amazing tool. The speeches of world leaders, movie quotes and lyrics from songs are the most powerful weapons in this world. Reading a book means escaping to distant lands that only I can reach within the sanctuary of my mind, and I travel there on the words of the author.

A photograph is a gateway to another time, a look at a different person and a reminder of a memory.

Acting is the chance to be step into some one else's shoes a tell a story begging to be told. Where else can I get the excuse to dress up and use funny accents?

Music is the language of the world. We all walk to a beat and have a song in our heads. You know you cant help but sing along to the chorus of Hey Jude and feel those inexplicable goosbumps.

Laughing is the best therapy. Being able to make people is the best feeling in the world. A laugh isn't complete until you at least snort or cant breath :D

Art is confusing, weird and wonderful. Where else can you paint a can of soup and call it art?

Life's full of mysteries. Like, why is it that I cant seem to be able to buy new underpants and still call them mine after the first wash? Somehow, at least one of my sisters lays claim to them.

This is life through a 17 year olds eyes. I'm sure everyone remembers a time like this. A time where everyone tells you constantly how much you've grown, have you got a boyfriend? and what are you going to do with your life?  

Yeah, I've got a question. Does Barry Manilow know that you raid his wardrobe? - Bender, The Breakfast Club.

I'm off chaps!